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I am a DONA certified birth doula in the central New York area. I am a founder of the CNY Doula Connection. I also offer postpartum care in the Syracuse area.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Info reguarding pelvic organ prolapse

Hi! I have a guest blog post to post tonight great info!...

A Healthy Pelvis After Childbirth

Although pregnancy and childbirth are completely natural and normal processes, there is always a potential that they can cause injury to the woman. Although there is no way to prevent distress to the pelvic floor or related organs in the woman's body, there are steps that can be taken to strengthen these areas of the body so that damage is reduced and so that recovery is easier.

One of the most common injuries that occurs following pregnancy and childbirth is pelvic organ prolapse. This occurs because the muscles in the pelvic floor are no longer as strong as they once were, and so the pelvic organs slip out of their typical locations to cause discomfort or pain in the woman. Some of the organs that can slip out of place in this manner include the bladder, the uterus and the rectum.

Although a woman cannot prevent situations such as pelvic organ prolapse from occurring, it is quite possible to reduce risk factors and better prepare the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor to handle prolapse in order to reduce the likelihood of stress from this occurrence. For example:

·         Healthy lifestyle: Certain heathy lifestyle choices can make a difference in warding off this type of condition. For example, avoiding constipation through a healthy diet and proper hydration, avoiding obesity, avoiding chronic cough and avoiding strains or heavy lifting can all have a positive impact on the body by minimizing issues relating to the pelvic floor.

·         Pelvic floor exercises: Pelvic floor exercises can be beneficial during pregnancy as well as before pregnancy. A woman who has given birth can also benefit from practicing pelvic floor exercises after a sufficient period of rest. Rest is essential for a woman with a new baby.

·         Rest: Following pregnancy and childbirth, it is essential for a new mother to rest. During this period of rest, the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding tissue will be given a chance to return to their normal tone. It is important for a new mother not to strain herself too often following childbirth, so that these muscles and ligaments can be given a chance to rest and relax following the stress of childbirth.

There are steps that a woman can take before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after childbirth in order to rebuild the strength of the pelvic floor. Strengthening the pelvic floor is absolutely essential in helping to reduce the risk factors for pelvic organ prolapse and similar injuries that can occur to the area.

Not only can a strong pelvic floor help to prevent this type of condition from occurring, it can also reduce the recovery time required when a prolapse does occur. As such, it is important for all women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant to strengthen their pelvic floor and take steps to improve overall health prior to childbirth.

In severe cases of prolapse, women may require surgery to correct the problem. A woman should ask her doctor about traditional surgery versus the use of transvaginal mesh. Unfortunately, transvaginal mesh has been linked to serious complications, including organ perforation and mesh erosion. Women who have been harmed by these dangerous side effects have sought legal counsel and filed mesh lawsuits.

Elizabeth Carrollton writes about defective medical devices and dangerous drugs for Drugwatch.com.

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